How to regulate men’s qi deficiency and excessive sweating

Sweating due to qi deficiency is commonly characterized by qi and yin deficiency, qi and blood deficiency, and qi deficiency with insufficiently solid surface, etc. Usually, medication is taken to regulate the condition, so please follow the doctor’s instructions. Such as qi and yin insufficiency caused by spontaneous sweating (involuntary sweating during the day, sweating worsens with a little movement), night sweating (sweating abnormally after going to sleep, sweating stops after waking up), you can follow the doctor’s instructions to take the pulse drink, false sweating particles and so on.
1. For spontaneous sweating or night sweating caused by deficiency of qi and blood, fatigue (mental exhaustion, physical weakness), lack of energy and laziness (lack of strength, not wanting to talk), dizziness, palpitation, loss of appetite, etc., take Astragalus wu wei zi tablets and Astragali Dong yang blood capsule, etc., as prescribed by the doctor.
2. Sweating caused by deficiency of qi, often with spontaneous sweating, or accompanied by night sweating, head, shoulder and back sweating is obvious, and more obvious when moving, etc., you can take Astragalus granules, Jade Screen Fung San and so on, as prescribed by the doctor.
Different drugs have different contraindications and adverse reactions, the use of their own symptoms should be clear, it is recommended to regular Chinese medicine hospitals for diagnosis, and then under the guidance of the doctor reasonable, standardized medication, do not take blindly.

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