How to Find Acupuncture Points Quickly and Effectively

How to find acupuncture points fast and effective argument is not based on the method of finding acupuncture points are bone degree centimeter method, finger with the body inch method, the body surface marking method, as well as the simple method of taking acupuncture points.
1. Bone degree method: the bone as the main symbol to measure the size of the body length of the ministries, and according to its size in proportion to the conversion for the standardization of acupuncture points, such as the wrist to the elbow horizontal stripe for twelve inches, that is, divided into twelve equal points.
2. Fingers with the body inch method: including the thumb with the body inch, cross finger with the body inch and the middle finger with the body inch method, the thumb with the body inch is to the patient’s thumb knuckle width as 1 inch.
The thumb with the body inch is to let the patient will be the index finger, middle finger, ring finger and little finger four fingers together, to the middle finger middle knuckle horizontal lines prevail, four fingers as 3 inches of the degree of cross. Middle finger with the body inch method, is to the patient’s middle finger flexion, the middle section of the medial two transverse head as 1 inch.
3. Body surface marking method: there are landmarks on the body surface such as bones, joints, organs and muscles that can determine the location, such as the following Guan acupoints that can be felt in the depression when the mouth is open, and the high bones at the back of the neck called mastoid process, and the mastoid process below the mastoid process as the mastoid acupoints.
4. Simple Acupuncture Points: For example, when taking the Hegu Acupuncture Point, bend the thumbs of both hands back to pinch the tiger’s mouth, and the position where the thumbs are pointing is the Hegu Acupuncture Point.
If you need to use acupoint therapy, you need to be operated by a doctor, do not operate on your own to avoid adverse consequences.

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