What are the advantages of poultices?

Traditional tonic methods include medicinal wine, pills, single herb decoctions and poultices. Paste prescriptions are now a popular method of supplementation and have spread to the north and south of the country, and there are hospitals all over the country that provide them. The following is some knowledge about poultices: I. Advantages of poultices The so-called poultice is a special processing of the Chinese herbal medicine in the prescription of the poultician to become a poultice form of tonic medicine. Paste prescription has six advantages: 1, more flavor: 10 flavor below the cream is very few, most of the 20-50 flavor between the drug: 2, the herbs save: the weight of each flavor of the drug cream is equivalent to a third of the daily dosage of each flavor of medicine; 3, processing fine: paste processing requires three decoctions, the first decoction 2 hours, two decoction, three decoction each 1 hour, all the juice mixed, concentrated paste; 4, the effectiveness of the macro: the effect of the cream and soup The effect of poultice is very different from that of tonics, with a small amount of force, especially suitable for tonic; 5. The situation may change in the coming year and need to be adjusted, in addition, the processing method may also vary depending on the prescription. According to our years of research, combined with the traditional Chinese medicine tonic and health theory, the cream formula is suitable for the following people: (1) people who need to maintain health: (1) people with premature aging or aging, such as age spots, premature graying of hair, osteoporosis, etc.; (2) people with sub-health, such as memory loss, low energy, concentration; children with poor resistance, recurrent colds; (3) people with sexual function (3) Decline in sexual function: such as premature ovarian failure in women, impotence and premature ejaculation in men; (4) Infertility and infertility without obvious organic diseases or weak sperm; (5) Overworked people. The theory of “Nei Jing” that overuse is injury, if overworked, especially the heart to pay extra, when feeling tired, slow recovery of physical strength, etc.. 2.People who need rehabilitation (1) Acute diseases have been stabilized by treatment and rescue drugs, and are in the maintenance treatment or rehabilitation stage, such as cerebral infarction, heart attack recovery, stable angina, chronic heart failure; (2) Chronic diseases such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, fatty liver, chronic gastritis, chronic gastrointestinal disorders, aplastic anemia, etc.; (3) Recovery after major surgery is not understood and needs rehabilitation, and after major trauma recovery is not satisfactory and needs rehabilitation. (3) Cases in which cream cannot be used 1. The body is not deficient and does not need tonic, such as healthy children and adolescents; 2. Acute diseases with many changes and unstable treatment plans; 3. Cannot tolerate tonic.

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