Effects of Ermiao Pills

Ermiao Pill can be used to treat dampness-heat underflow (dampness and heat evils invade the intestines, bladder, pubic area, lower limbs, etc.), scrotal wetness and itchiness and other conditions, and it mainly has the efficacy of drying dampness and clearing heat. Ermiao Pill is composed of Cangzhu and Huangbai, which mainly has the efficacy of drying dampness and clearing heat, and has a better therapeutic effect on conditions such as dampness-heat injection, redness, swelling and hot pain of the feet and knees, dengtoxicity of the lower limbs (an acute infectious disease, which can be seen as reddening of the skin like paint), leucorrhoea, and wet and itchy scrotums. As a proprietary Chinese medicine, the adverse effects and contraindications of this product are not clear. Children, pregnant women, lactating women and people with hypertension, diabetes, kidney disease and other serious chronic diseases should be taken under the guidance of a physician, and during the period of medication, should avoid tobacco, alcohol, spicy, greasy and meat food. If you are not feeling well, you should go to the hospital under the guidance of a professional physician to identify the evidence and use the medicine, do not take the medicine without authorization.

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