Is there any harm in taking too many Rohitsufukubizi pills?

Luo Tianfu Ke Bizhi Pills take more than the harm is not clear, patients need to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions to take medication.
Luo TIANFU KE BIRI PILL is mainly composed of Batanren, carrot seeds, saffron, turnip seeds, melon seeds, wood, alfalfa seeds, iron wood, nutmeg clothes, nutmeg, etc., with the benefit of the heart to fill the essence of the warm tonic brain and kidney effect, clinically can be used for the treatment of depression, premature ejaculation, impotence, neurasthenia, wasting, slippery sperms, physical weakness and other conditions.
The adverse reactions and contraindications of Luo Tuanfu Ke Birei Pills are not clear, this drug should be taken before meals. During the medication, individual patients may experience yellow urine and dark brown stools, which can be relieved when the medication is stopped.
Luo Tianfu Ke Bi Ri Pills need to be used under the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine, not blindly taken on their own, so as not to cause damage.

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