Rectosigmoiditis with herbal medicine?

Rectosigmoiditis can take Chinese medicine, but should be based on the cause of targeted treatment, such as infection caused by anti-infective treatment; inflammatory bowel disease caused by the application of aminosalicylic acid preparations, glucocorticoids, etc., can be combined with traditional Chinese medicine treatment, but not just take Chinese medicine. 1. Acute rectosigmoiditis: mostly due to unhygienic diet leading to intestinal bacterial infections, causing intestinal mucosal congestion, edema and erosion, which can be manifested as abdominal pain, diarrhea, can be applied antibiotics, such as levofloxacin, ceftriaxone, metronidazole and other anti-infective treatment, but also can be used with scopolamine antispasmodic analgesic, bifidobacterium tetrofilarium tablets to regulate the intestinal flora, but also can be added to the use of traditional Chinese medicine combined treatment. 2. Chronic rectosigmoiditis: mostly due to inflammatory bowel disease, such as radiation enteritis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease caused by chronic inflammation of the intestinal tract, can be applied to mesalazine, prednisone treatment, can be combined with traditional Chinese medicine, can be mesalazine and Chinese medicine enema. Rectosigmoiditis should be timely to the hospital, under the guidance of the doctor to avoid delay.

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