Can a hole in the lumbar spine grow back a month after the plate was put in?

Nail holes after plating at the lumbar spine can grow back, but a month’s time usually does not allow for complete healing. Complete healing in adults takes 2-3 months (3 weeks in children) and is dependent on the patient’s condition, age and other factors. If the fracture at the lumbar spine is significantly displaced or combined with vascular or neurological damage, surgical treatment with internal plate fixation is required. The rate of healing varies with the degree of injury, age, and physical condition of the patient. Generally speaking, it takes 2~3 months for adults to reach basic healing, young people’s recovery speed is a bit faster than that of the elderly, and children can heal in only 3 weeks. The patient’s life care after surgery will also affect the healing speed of the fracture and the surrounding soft tissues. It is recommended that patients should maintain a good mindset and eat a healthy and balanced diet after surgery in order to accelerate the healing of the wound. If the nail eye does not heal for a long time, or if there is pain or oozing fluid, patients should go to the hospital promptly to avoid delaying their condition.

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