What happened to the baby’s constipation after diarrhea

It is possible that constipation may be caused by the fact that the intestinal function of the baby has not fully recovered after diarrhea. Or, because most of the stomach contents and intestinal contents in the intestine are emptied when diarrhea occurs, then the stool may be stored in the intestine for a longer period of time later, and there may be a situation that the stool is not relieved for several days after diarrhea. In addition, there are also some oral mucosal protectors for the intestinal tract when you have diarrhea. The main function of montmorillonite is to form a protective film on the surface of the intestine, so that the stool dries up. If you are still taking montelukast after diarrhea, there is a possibility of constipation, so if your baby is constipated after diarrhea, you can continue to take oral probiotics to regulate the intestinal flora.

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