What to do about yellow fluid from a scraped knee

Knee abrasion with yellow fluid, need to be divided into early and late, need to be under the guidance of the doctor targeted treatment, such as drug treatment, surgical treatment, etc., as follows. 1. Early: In the early stage of the injury after the skin rupture, there may be plasma oozing, you will see a yellow liquid. At this time, you should remove the wound and the dust around the wound, and then use iodophor, wipe along the edge of the wound outward to disinfect. Finally, wrap it with sterile gauze and change the dressing regularly. 2. Late stage: oozing (yellow fluid) occurs 1~2 weeks after the injury and is accompanied by localized redness and swelling of the skin, fever, and worsening pain, etc. Secondary infection is considered. Need to consider oral antibiotics, such as cefaclor, amoxicillin, etc., or topical mupirocin ointment, erythromycin ointment and other treatments; if necessary, must be carried out incision drainage surgery, the pus as well as infected necrotic tissue removal. If the above symptoms of secondary infection, you need to consult a doctor in time, follow the doctor’s instructions standardized treatment, do not blindly self-medication.

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