Rhizoma Polygonati Odorati (Raspberry) for Men

The effects of Huang Jing and Raspberry on men are strengthening the spleen and tonifying the kidneys, nourishing Yin and moisturizing the lungs (nourishing the lungs by replenishing the lung fluid), and consolidating semen and urine (consolidating semen and urine and preventing random leakage). 1. Huang Jing: Flat in nature, sweet in flavor, and belongs to the spleen, lung and kidney meridians. It has the effects of tonifying qi and nourishing yin, strengthening the spleen, benefiting the kidneys and moistening the lungs. It is used in treating weak spleen and stomach syndrome, body drowsiness and weakness, dry mouth and thirst, poor appetite, dry cough in lung deficiency, deficiency of semen and blood syndrome, internal heat and thirst, and other conditions. Its adverse effects have not been documented, cold diarrhea, phlegm-dampness plumpness (stomach distension and discomfort) stagnation should not be used in yellow essence. 2. Raspberry: warm in nature, sweet and sour in flavor, belonging to the kidney meridian and bladder meridian. Its main effect is to benefit the kidneys, consolidate essence and reduce urination. It is mainly used for treating urination, frequent urination, impotence, premature ejaculation, spermatorrhea, etc. of kidney deficiency. Its adverse effects have not been documented, and raspberries should be used with caution in cases of kidney deficiency with fire, short and red urination (small amount of urine, dark yellow in color), and astringent pain. From the above, it can be seen that the effects of Huang Jing and Raspberry on men are to strengthen the spleen and tonify the kidneys, nourish yin and moisten the lungs, and consolidate semen and shrink urine. If you need to use Huang Jing and Raspberry, it is recommended that you choose them under the guidance of a professional Chinese medicine practitioner, rather than blindly purchasing medicines, so as to prevent the medicines from being incorrect and affecting the efficacy of the treatment.

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