How to exercise to recover from sinus bradycardia

Physiological causes of sinus bradycardia can be appropriate aerobic exercise recovery, disease causes of sinus bradycardia need to follow the doctor’s instructions to take medication, do not recommend exercise recovery. Sinus bradycardia refers to the adult sinus rhythm frequency is lower than 60 times per minute, can be divided into physiological, pathological sinus bradycardia. Physiological sinus bradycardia is common in athletes, sleep state people, generally do not need treatment, daily exercise through jogging, swimming, walking and other sports, improve the heart rate, but pay attention to avoid strenuous exercise to increase the heart load. Pathological sinus bradycardia is usually caused by hypothyroidism, intracranial diseases and other diseases, strenuous exercise is not good for the body, it is not recommended to relieve through exercise, you can follow the doctor’s instructions to use atropine sulfate tablets, isoprenaline hydrochloride tablets and other drugs. Physiological sinus bradycardia crowd exercise process if discomfort occurs, should immediately stop exercise timely medical examination.

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