What are the foods that remove dampness and heat

Food does not have the effect of removing dampness and heat, in order to remove dampness and heat can take Chinese medicine to regulate. Commonly used Chinese medicines for removing dampness and heat in the body are: Huanglian, Huangbai, Scutellaria baicalensis, Yin Chen and so on; clinically, for the treatment of dampness and heat, more is the application of some proprietary Chinese medicines, such as Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Shui, San Jin Tablet, Jaundice Yin Chen Granules and so on. Dampness and heat in different organs should also be treated with different Chinese medicines. When there is obvious evidence of dampness and heat in the body, it is necessary to go to the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine for consultation and treatment through examination and diagnosis. Take Chinese medicine at the same time, pay attention to daily habits and diet regulation. Eat three regular meals a day and reduce the intake of cold and chilly foods, such as cold drinks and ice cream. The temperature and humidity of the home environment should be appropriate, and avoid living in cold and damp dwellings for a long time. Simply eating some food does not have the effect of removing dampness and heat. When there is dampness and heat in the body, it is recommended to use some traditional Chinese medicines that strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness (by tonifying the spleen to make the dampness discharged), and diuretic to reduce the swelling to regulate the body condition.

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