What is the functional role of Cordyceps Chrysanthemi powder capsule

Chrysanthemum Cordyceps Powdered Mushroom Powder Capsules functions as relieving cough and resolving phlegm, tonifying the lungs and benefiting the kidneys, and is used in chronic bronchitis evidence of lung and kidney qi deficiency and kidney yang insufficiency. Symptoms of cough and asthma, sputum, spontaneous sweating (involuntary sweating during the day, a little movement sweating aggravated), bad wind, easy to feel, cold limbs and so on.
Chrysanthemum Cordyceps Powder Capsules is a kind of Chinese patent medicine, the main ingredient is Chrysanthemum Cordyceps Powder. Clinically used in the treatment of lung and kidney qi deficiency, kidney yang insufficiency caused by cough, symptoms see cough asthma, sputum, sputum is white mucus foamy, thick and not easy to cough out, lumbago limb weakness, weakness, dizziness and tinnitus, etc.; Chronic bronchitis to see the above symptoms.
It should be noted that patients with chronic bronchitis in the acute stage should not be used.
Patients should follow the doctor’s instructions to use Cordyceps Sinensis Powder Capsules, to avoid blindly using their own medication, so as not to induce side effects.

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