The fastest way to recover from a hoarse voice

There is no such thing as “the fastest way to recover from hoarseness”. Hoarseness can be caused by physiological reasons such as excessive use of the voice, or acute laryngitis, vocal polyps, etc. Depending on the specific disease, you can take general treatment, medication and surgical treatment.
1. Physiological causes: Excessive use of the voice for a short period of time can lead to sudden hoarseness, drink more water and use the voice scientifically. Generally it will recover soon.
2. Acute laryngitis: It can be accompanied by hoarseness, sore throat and other symptoms, and some may have fever. If you have fever, you can use ibuprofen as prescribed by the doctor to reduce fever, and watermelon cream spray for local treatment.
3. Vocal polyps: cause prolonged hoarseness, and it is difficult for medication to work. Most vocal polyps require surgical removal.
There are other causes of hoarseness, such as trauma, tumors, etc. It is recommended to go to the hospital in time to improve the examination to clarify the cause of the disease, and then give targeted treatment or treatment. The above medication should be used in accordance with the doctor’s instructions.

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