What are the initial signs of a ruptured corpus luteum

The initial manifestation of luteal rupture is abdominal pain, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, shock and a host of other symptoms. Before the corpus luteum ruptures, there is often a vague pain in the lower abdomen. Once the corpus luteum ruptures and blood flows into the abdominal cavity, some patients experience abdominal pain that is limited to one side of the lower abdomen and is mild. In other cases, the pain is sudden, severe and unbearable, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, frequent urination and anal distension. Luteal rupture will also have internal bleeding in the early stage, if the amount of bleeding is large, there will also be symptoms of hemorrhagic shock, manifested as dizziness, profuse sweating, drop in blood pressure, cold limbs and so on. If not treated in time, life will be in danger. Patients should go to the hospital as soon as luteal rupture occurs so as not to delay the condition.

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