How to get rid of red spots on baby’s mosquito bites fast

The baby was bitten by a mosquito red spots can be taken medication, general treatment, but there is no so-called unified “rapid elimination” method. 1. medication: the child was bitten by a mosquito red dots, parents can follow the doctor’s orders to the child to use glycerine lotion and other topical antipruritic drugs to relieve the discomfort of the child, the red dots will disappear on their own without the need for special medication to eliminate. 2. General treatment: children bitten by mosquitoes red spots, parents should avoid children scratching the affected area. Because the child’s skin is delicate, easy to cause skin lesions. In daily life, parents should keep indoor ventilation, use mosquito liquid to drive away mosquitoes before the baby goes to bed, and use mosquito nets to block mosquitoes when sleeping. When the baby is bitten by mosquitoes with red spots, if there are multiple rashes or other abnormal skin symptoms, it is recommended to consult a doctor in time in order to clarify the cause of the disease and follow the doctor’s instructions for treatment.

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