What are the best treatments for meniscus

There is no such thing as the best treatment for meniscus, mainly conservative treatment such as joint braking, oral medication, physical therapy, etc. There are also surgical treatments, which need to be chosen according to the severity of the injury. 1. Joint braking: first of all, joint braking should be done, and it is better to perform plaster external fixation or wear a brace, and pay attention to reducing the amount of exercise, resting more, and supplementing proteins during the recovery period. 2. Oral medication: Oral anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs such as celecoxib and diclofenac sodium. Intra-articular injection of sodium vitrate can nourish and glide the joints, which is conducive to meniscus repair. 3. Physical therapy: you can also combine hot compresses, infrared light therapy, massage and other physical therapy, which is also effective in relieving symptoms. 4. Surgery: If conservative treatment is ineffective or the injury is serious up to 3 degrees, surgery should be considered, such as arthroscopic meniscectomy and meniscus repair. If meniscus injury occurs, it is recommended to go to a regular medical institution as soon as possible to improve the relevant examination, to clarify the severity of the injury, and follow the doctor’s instructions for standardized treatment, do not blindly self-medication and treatment, so as not to delay the condition.

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