Self-healing of chronic urticaria

Chronic urticaria is a common dermatologic condition, and a small number of people with chronic urticaria can heal themselves by adjusting their diet, improving their environment, and caring for the affected area. 1. Adjust the diet: patients should eat a light diet, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, drink more water, avoid eating seafood or spicy, stimulating foods, such as fish, shrimp, beef and lamb, hot pot, barbecue, etc., so as to avoid stimulation and aggravate the condition. 2. Improve the environment: patients should keep the indoor environment clean, ensure that the room air circulation, fresh, maintain good indoor temperature, humidity, away from dust, pollen and dander environment, reduce direct sunlight, help urticaria self-cure. 3. Nursing care of the affected area: patients should keep the affected area clean and dry skin, avoid scratching the affected area with hands, or hot compresses, so as not to increase the stimulation of the skin, in addition, patients try to choose to wear cotton fabrics, clothes should be soft, loose, avoid friction of clothing to stimulate the skin, avoid the use of synthetic fibers and woolen fabrics to stimulate the skin, and so on. Chronic urticaria self-cure possibility is still low, it is recommended to use antihistamines under the guidance of a doctor, such as loratadine, cetirizine and other drugs for standardized treatment.

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