Is it normal to have yellow discharge after menopause

Yellow discharge after menopause is an abnormal phenomenon, which may be caused by inflammation or infection, and should be promptly consulted and actively treated.

Normal leukorrhea should be colorless and transparent or milky white, if yellow discharge occurs after menopause, it belongs to an abnormal phenomenon, most of them are caused by some inflammation or infection such as vaginitis.

The decrease of estrogen secreted by the ovaries after menopause will lead to poor resistance in the vagina, which is prone to vaginitis, commonly known as senile vaginitis. At this time, the patient will have increased leukorrhea, leukorrhea color and trait abnormalities, and may also be accompanied by vulvar itching, odor and other symptoms.

It is recommended that patients go to the hospital for a gynecological examination in a timely manner, under the guidance of a professional doctor to clarify the cause of the disease, and then take appropriate treatment measures, so as not to delay the condition.

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