What are the efficacy and effects of pelargonium

In traditional Chinese medicine, pelargonium belongs to the class of dampness-transforming herbs, which are pungent in taste and flat in nature. It mainly enters the lung, spleen and stomach meridians. It has the effects of awakening the spleen and opening the stomach, aromatizing dampness, publishing and relieving summer heat, and relieving depression and dispersing knots. Its clinical applications are as follows: 1) sweet and greasy mouth, bad breath due to dampness and heat in the spleen meridian; 2) dampness and turbidity in the middle of the body, vomiting and vomiting; 3) symptoms of summer dampness, dampness and warmth at the beginning, fever and tiredness, chest discomfort; 4) breast swelling and pain due to liver depression and qi stagnation. Pelargonium contains volatile oil, i.e. p-isopropyltoluene, nerolidol acetate, coumarin, etc. In addition, it contains triterpenoids. Modern pharmacological research confirms that Peperomia has the effect of inhibiting the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, S. pyogenes and S. typhi, and has the effect of antiviral, sputum dilution and antitumor, etc.

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