What to do if you have a cough with phlegm in your throat

Itchy throat with phlegm and cough may be chronic pharyngitis, chronic bronchitis or cough variant asthma, etc., which can be treated with medicines such as Golden Voice Sharp Pharyngeal Pills, Pentoxyverine Citrate Tablets, Salmeterol Fluticasone and so on according to doctor’s instructions. 1. Chronic pharyngitis: Itchy throat, phlegm and cough are the more common symptoms of this disease, including chronic simple pharyngitis, chronic hypertrophic pharyngitis and chronic atrophic pharyngitis. Generally speaking, simple pharyngitis can be treated with Golden Voice and Pharyngeal Pill, Yinhuang Containerized Tablets, etc., and antibiotics such as amoxicillin can be used for those who have clear bacterial infections; if it is chronic hypertrophic pharyngitis, microwave therapy or laser therapy can be used to treat the condition; chronic atrophic pharyngitis can be treated with localized 2% iodine glycerin coating. 2. Chronic bronchitis: for chronic bronchitis caused by itchy throat with phlegm cough, such as the situation is relatively mild, take Pentoxyverine citrate tablets or dextromethorphan and other treatments; for phlegm symptoms can be used for bromohexine hydrochloride, compound licorice combination of cough medication, such as phlegm treatment. 3. Cough variant asthma: the disease caused by itchy throat with phlegm cough, mainly to hormone-based drug therapy, more commonly used is salmeterol fluticasone. The cause of itchy throat with phlegm cough more causes, it is recommended to consult a doctor in a timely manner, a clear diagnosis and cause of the disease, in accordance with the doctor’s instructions standardized medication and treatment.

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