Is a slight odor in the armpits when you feel it with your hands fox odor?

  A slight odor in the armpit with your hand is not necessarily fox odor, it may just be normal sweat odor or armpit hair ringworm.  The armpit is a part of the body that sweats a lot and the sebaceous gland has a strong metabolism. If the patient has a slight odor under the armpit with his hand, he can continue to observe, bathe and change clothes regularly. If the odor under the armpit is not emitted and does not affect the surrounding people, it is not fox odor, but only normal sweat odor, and the odor can be eliminated naturally after cleaning. In addition, armpit hair ringworm can also cause a slight odor and make the appearance of armpit hair appear grayish-yellow change. Fox odor is mainly related to genetics, and there is usually a more pronounced odor, which can be smelled even at a certain distance, more pronounced in summer.  If the armpits sweat a lot, especially in summer, you need to change your clothes frequently and take a shower in time to eliminate the odor. If clearly diagnosed as fox odor, you should actively treat it and use more foods with cooling and heat removing, moistening effect, such as mushrooms, celery, spinach, lettuce, bitter gourd, etc. Avoid spicy and warm foods.

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