Gray hair, hair loss, excessive dreaming, constipation, and sweating are yin or yang deficiencies

Gray hair, hair loss, excessive dreaming, constipation, and excessive sweating may be due to yin deficiency, yang deficiency, or both yin and yang deficiencies, and the exact cause needs to be determined in conjunction with other symptoms. In Chinese medicine, whether it is a Yin deficiency or a Yang deficiency, gray hair, hair loss, excessive dreams, constipation, and excessive sweating may occur. In the case of yin deficiency, sweating usually occurs at night after falling asleep and may be accompanied by symptoms such as insomnia, dry mouth, yellow urine, and five heart-heat (heat in the hearts of the hands and feet, and self-consciousness of the heart and chest irritability and stuffiness). In case of yang deficiency, sweating is mostly during the daytime and becomes more obvious after activity, and may be accompanied by cold hands and feet, 晄white color of the face, long and frequent urination, impotence and premature ejaculation, and infertility due to coldness in the uterus. If there are symptoms of both yin and yang deficiencies, there may also be both yin and yang deficiencies. Specific identification also need to refer to the tongue and pulse, so should go to the hospital to consult a professional doctor’s opinion, not self-diagnosis.

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