What to eat for a herniated disk

Herniated lumbar discs can be consumed if there are no obvious allergies or contraindications to food. Herniated lumbar disc is a kind of degenerative lesion, there is generally no special requirements for diet in daily life, try to have balanced nutrition, rich and varied, mainly light, drink less cola carbonated drinks, pay attention to weight control, etc.. You can eat more calcium-rich foods, such as milk, soy products, fish and shellfish, etc.; appropriate supplementation of high-quality protein foods, such as beef, chicken, eggs, etc. and vitamin-rich foods, such as beef, chicken, eggs, etc.. And foods with high vitamin content, such as celery, tomato, kiwi, etc. If you are diagnosed with lumbar disc herniation, it is recommended that you go to the hospital in time for standardized treatment under the guidance of your doctor.

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