What to do with platelets 1000

Platelet 1000 refers to the number of platelets in peripheral blood is 1 million/mL, which is a significant increase in the number of platelets. No matter what causes the platelet count to be significantly increased, first of all, the patient should keep drinking more water, pay attention to a light diet, prevent thrombotic diseases, and can take oral anti-platelet drugs such as aspirin and clopidogrel. In addition, it is necessary to actively look for the cause of the increased platelet count. If the patient has obvious triggers, such as serious infection, major surgery, craniotomy, trauma, etc., it may be caused by secondary platelets, and only antiplatelet therapy is needed. After the primary disease is controlled, the platelet count will gradually return to normal. If there are no such triggers and the platelets reach 1000 for unknown reasons, it may be primary thrombocytosis, which requires a bone marrow aspiration to confirm the diagnosis and hydroxyurea to lower the platelet count, or interferon to maintain the platelet count.

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