What causes white bubbles on a newborn baby’s lips?

White bubbles on the lips of newborn babies may be caused by physiological factors such as milk stains, sucking, or by diseases such as thrush. 1. Physiological factors: when a newborn baby has white bubbles on his lips, it may be a normal phenomenon caused by milk stains. In addition, the child may also be too strong when sucking on the milk, the lips will also appear white bubble symptoms, is a normal physiological phenomenon. 2. Thrush: Thrush is mainly caused by the overgrowth of Candida in the oropharynx, and the main symptoms are white patches on the buccal mucosa, jaw, tongue and oropharynx. In addition, children with thrush will also have dry mouth, crying, irritability and other symptoms. When a newborn baby develops symptoms of white bubbles on the lips, it may be caused by physiological factors and does not require special treatment. If it is caused by a disease, parents should take their children to the hospital in time and follow the doctor’s instructions for treatment.

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