Treating female infertility from the liver

  The dysfunction of the internal organs, qi and blood, and meridians can lead to infertility. Among the internal organs, the liver, spleen and kidney are most closely related, and the heart is also related, of which the kidney is the root, and among the meridians, the three odd meridians, Chong, Ren and Du, are the most important. Therefore, the kidney-tenkworm-rheum-uterus axis is formed to regulate the reproductive process.  The cause of infertility is kidney deficiency, which is the root of the innate nature. The causes of kidney deficiency include deficiency of endowment, damage to the kidney essence by careless intercourse, or injury to the kidney by prolonged illness and multiple births. The spleen is the source of the postnatal essence, the source of biochemistry of essence and blood, and deficiency of the spleen leads to infertility.  In women, the liver is the origin of the congenital organs, and the liver collects blood and regulates and drains the blood, so abnormal liver function can also lead to infertility. Therefore, dysfunction of the liver, spleen and kidneys becomes the basic cause of infertility. Chinese medicine treatment for infertility is to regulate menstruation, specifically by tonifying the kidneys, supporting the spleen, draining the liver, resolving blood stasis, removing dampness, and clearing ligaments.  The liver collects blood and is the main source of birth. The liver is the main source of drainage, regulates the qi flow, promotes the spleen and stomach to transport and transform, and is the main source of blood collection. If the emotions are not regulated, the liver loses its relaxation, the qi and blood are not harmonized, and the impetus is not regulated, resulting in irregular menstruation, reduced menstruation, even amenorrhea or excessive menstruation, or even collapse, phlegm and blood stagnate the cellular channels, the impetus is not harmonized, ovulation is not regular, so infertility. The liver and kidney are of the same origin, and liver blood and kidney essence can be transformed into each other, and the strength and weakness of liver blood also affects the production and quality of reproductive essence.  Liver lesions affect infertility in many ways, mainly due to liver qi stagnation, liver and kidney deficiency, and kidney essence deficiency, which can lead to qi stagnation and blood stasis, liver stagnation and fire, damp heat in the liver meridian, and phlegm-dampness congestion. Treatment is based on draining the liver and Qi and tonifying the liver and kidneys. The treatment is complemented by invigorating blood circulation and resolving blood stasis, clearing damp-heat, resolving dampness and clearing menstruation, regulating menstruation and helping pregnancy, treating qi when it is depressed, and regulating qi without leaving the liver. The formula is based on the principle of flattening yin and yang, and is mainly based on tonifying the liver and kidney, clearing dampness and heat, resolving dampness and promoting menstruation and regulating menstruation to help pregnancy.  The principle is to calmly supplement yin and yang, so that yin and yang are not biased, infertility is mostly mixed with deficiency and pure yin and pure deficiency, when tonifying the liver and kidneys, appropriate addition of warming and menstrual products, the treatment is particularly effective, cover the qi and blood to pass is valuable, warm can be born, can nourish, can open, can be dispersed, can be carried out. Liver and kidney yin deficiency type, essence and blood deficiency, the sea of blood is empty resulting in infertility, menstruation in the first period of large amount of dark, dizziness and tinnitus, lumbar acidity and weakness, red tongue and dry pulse, treatment should nourish the liver and kidneys, regulate the punching point, the formula is used to nourish the essence of the seed of Yu Tang (Shu Di, Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum, Bai Shao, Angelica Sinensis) plus Cuscuta, chasteberry, cherry, shou Wu, turtle plate, niu Xi, etc.  Liver depression and kidney deficiency type of impregnation due to rebellion of the flushing and rebellion, abdominal pain during menstruation according to the press, menstrual flow is not smooth, the tongue is purple and dark, with blood clots, the tongue is purple and the pulse is thin, the treatment is to invigorate the blood and promote the circulation, with the benefit of the kidney, the formula is to use Shao Abdominal Drainage Soup (cumin, dry ginger, Yan Hu, Angelica, myrrh, Chuan Dou, cinnamon, red peony, Pu Huang, Wu Ling Lip) plus Lulutong, such as lumbar acidity and knee weakness plus Xian Ling Spleen, Cistanches, Cuscutae, Astragalus.  Liver stagnation and heat in the liver can be seen in menstrual irregularities, cervical and pelvic inflammatory infertility and post-abortion infertility. Liver stagnation and blood stasis can be seen in anovulatory infertility, luteal insufficiency infertility, uterine dysplasia infertility, tubal blockage infertility, polycystic ovary syndrome infertility and obesity infertility. Liver-depression and kidney-deficiency can be seen in anovulatory infertility, irregular menstruation, chronic pelvic inflammatory infertility, luteal insufficiency, uterine dysplasia, tubal tuberculosis, endometrial tuberculosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, post-hepatitis infertility, and post-abortion infertility.

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