What to do about acute myeloid leukemia with purple nodules all over the body?

Acute myeloid leukemia with purple nodules all over the body may be caused by skin infiltration and erythema multiforme, which can be relieved by radiotherapy and targeted treatment.
1. If skin infiltration occurs, the appearance is mostly manifested as maculopapular rash, nodular or lumps with purple color, which can be distributed all over the body or a few scattered on the body surface. At this point, remission can be achieved with radiotherapy or chemotherapy under medical supervision. Drugs include cytarabine, Zoerythromycin and so on.
2. In the case of benign skin lesions associated with AML such as erythema multiforme, purple nodules all over the body may also occur. It can be identified by skin biopsy, and after clear diagnosis, antihistamines such as loratadine can be used; if it is caused by viral infection, acyclovir can be used for treatment; and topical glycerol lotion can also be used for treatment.
Note that the above drugs should be used under the guidance of a doctor, avoid unauthorized use of drugs to avoid adverse effects. If the patient with acute myeloid leukemia has purple nodules all over the body, it is recommended to consult a doctor in time, complete the relevant examinations, clarify the cause of the disease, and receive targeted treatment under the guidance of the physician.

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