Can you drink Rejuvenate Liquid for gastritis?

Gastritis is possible to drink Rehabilitation New Liquid. Rehabilitation New Liquid is a proprietary Chinese medicine composed of American cockroach extract, which contains various polyols, epidermal growth factor, amino acids, mucous amino acids and other amino acids and other active substances, which have the effect of facilitating blood circulation, nourishing yin and generating muscle, which can promote the repair of the diseased parts and improve the immunity of the organism. After oral administration of Rehabilitation New Liquid, it can treat gastric pain and bleeding, gastritis, peptic ulcer, and externally, it can treat trauma, ulcer, fistula, burns, scalds, bedsores and other diseases. The adverse reactions and contraindications of this product are still unclear. If gastritis has been diagnosed, early standardized treatment is recommended to reduce the adverse effects of the disease. The above drugs need to be applied under the guidance of a physician, and should not be used blindly without authorization.

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