What’s wrong with your teeth?

Teeth feel sore and tender, may be root exposure, wedge-shaped defects, excessive wear of teeth or teeth hidden cracks, dentin tubules in contact with the outside world caused by the pulp of the reactive pain.
1. Root exposure: When periodontitis occurs in the oral cavity, it can cause loss of periodontal attachment, gum recession, root exposure and tooth loosening, which can lead to contact between dentin tubules and the outside world, resulting in soreness and pain in response to external stimuli.
2. Wedge-shaped defects, excessive wear of teeth: long-term brushing across the brush, have a bad bite habits night grinding or stress concentration points, can cause cervical wedge-shaped defects, excessive wear of teeth, enamel defects dentin exposure to the outside world to produce pain and sensitivity discomfort.
3. Cryptic fissure: when chewing hard food or impacted by external forces, the cryptic fissure can reach the dentin layer, resulting in dentin tubules in contact with the outside world, resulting in soreness and discomfort, and do not dare to chew.
The tooth feels sore and soft, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time to check the targeted treatment, to avoid aggravation of the symptoms, causing pulp inflammation.

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