The difference between Acid Lactase and Lactase mainly lies in the difference of Ph value and function. 1. Different Ph value: Acidic lactase is close to acidic, more resistant to stomach acid environment and not destroyed by stomach acid, usually can be taken directly with milk, and directly decompose lactose in the small intestine, simulating the decomposition environment of normal lactase; while lactase PH value is neutral, it will be decomposed immediately when it meets with stomach acid, so normal lactase usually needs to be decomposed in the body for 15~30 minutes. 2. Different roles: the main role of lactase is to digest lactose, break down lactose into glucose and galactose, so that it can be absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract and converted into energy substances to assist the normal functioning of body tissues. Acid Lactase is used to improve the discomfort caused by lactase deficiency. By regulating the intestinal flora, it improves symptoms such as constipation and dry stools in infants. Acid Lactase can be used in cases of lactose intolerance. To summarize, acid lactase and lactase are both digestive enzymes in the human body, and it is recommended to consult a doctor to understand the difference.
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