What is this paroxysmal pain from the right side of the neck to behind the ear?

The common causes of paroxysmal pain from the right side of the neck to the back of the ear include skin abscess, inflammation of lymph nodes, muscle spasm of the right side of the neck, and injury to the great nerve of the ear.
1. Skin abscess: if the hair follicle is infected by germs, pus and abscess formation, the local paroxysmal pain will occur, and will gradually intensify; need to take amoxicillin, cefaclor and other antibiotics anti-infective treatment, need to incise the abscess to drain the pus if necessary, usually pay attention to personal hygiene.
2. Inflammation of lymph nodes: After the lymph nodes behind the ear are invaded and infected by pathogenic microorganisms, lymph node inflammation will be caused, resulting in paroxysmal pain behind the ear. Amoxicillin, levofloxacin and other treatments are also needed, and surgery can be performed if there is pus.
3. Right side neck muscle spasm: cervical spondylosis or falling pillow and other conditions, can also appear in the right neck to the right behind the ear paroxysmal pain, you can take ibuprofen, diclofenac sodium and other drugs to treat.
4. Ear nerve injury: generally due to inflammation of the nerve, need to take nutritional nerve vitamin B, methylcobalamin tablets and other drugs.
If the symptoms persist for a long time and do not see relief, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time, with the help of the doctor to clarify the cause of the disease, and targeted treatment, drugs should be applied under the guidance of the doctor.

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