Why is the cough worse at night?

Coughs are worse at night and have a variety of causes, commonly such as reflux esophagitis, dryness, and cardiac insufficiency.
1. Reflux esophagitis: the lower part of the esophagus is loose, stomach contents or bile will reflux into the esophagus, and at night when lying down, acidic reflux may reflux into the pharynx, stimulating the pharynx and the trachea, and the patient often feels a foreign body sensation in the pharynx, and has a severe cough at night.
2. Dryness: If the indoor air is too dry at night, and you can’t replenish the water in time when you sleep, it will lead to aggravation of cough at night.
3. Cardiac insufficiency: some people with chronic cardiac insufficiency, when lying down, venous return increases, which will aggravate the situation of pulmonary stagnation, and aggravate the cough at night, accompanied by dyspnea, coughing up pink foamy sputum, and need to consult a doctor in time.
Cough at night may also be serious other reasons, such as cough variant asthma, etc., if the cough is heavy, it is recommended to go to the hospital in a timely manner to check, under the guidance of a professional doctor to use medication, individuals do not blindly use medication.

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