How long does it take for allergic urticaria to heal?

  Acute allergic urticaria usually heals within 24-48 hours, but some patients can have recurrent attacks for days to tens of days.  Urticaria is divided into acute urticaria and chronic urticaria, most common allergic urticaria is acute urticaria. The main manifestation is the sudden appearance of erythematous patches and clusters of varying sizes all over the body, with a slightly higher temperature of the lesions than normal skin and a positive skin scratch test. The lesions usually disappear within 24-48 hours. Some patients may have recurrent episodes, requiring several days or even tens of days to heal. It can even turn into chronic urticaria, and the specific recovery time varies from person to person.  Patients with allergic urticaria are treated with oral anti-allergy medication after the onset of the disease, and hormonal medication can be used in severe cases. You can go to the hospital for allergen testing and avoid contact with suspected allergens, which can effectively reduce recurrence.

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