Are hives and allergies red bumps the same thing?

Hives are not the same thing as red bumps from allergies; allergies include more than just hives. Hives are an allergic reaction, and allergies also include other types of skin diseases such as eczema and dermatitis. There are many reasons that can cause hives, such as cold irritation, cold irritation, bacterial, viral, other microbial infections, consumption or contact with certain allergens, etc.; Allergic red bumps may not only be due to hives, but also due to dermatitis and other diseases, so we can’t say that hives and allergic red bumps are the same thing. If the patient has allergy red bumps and other symptoms, need to go to the hospital as soon as possible, by the doctor according to the specific conditions, to formulate individualized diagnosis and treatment plan, so as not to delay the condition.

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