What are the signs of worsening chronic urticaria?

Chronic urticaria is defined as a patient with urticaria of more than 6 weeks duration. Its worsening clinical manifestations mainly include localized symptom changes, the emergence of acute symptoms, and severe systemic symptoms. 1. Localized symptomatic changes: skin tingling or erythema, a sudden increase from one attack per day to several attacks per day. After a certain course of treatment with medication as prescribed by the doctor, the urticaria does not disappear, but the attacks are more frequent and larger than before. 2. Acute symptoms: chronic urticaria patients with severe dyspnea, laryngeal edema and even shock and other symptoms. 3. Systemic symptoms: patients with high fever, severe headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, generalized weakness and other symptoms. Generally speaking, the prognosis of chronic urticaria is good under timely treatment. When patients show signs of deterioration of chronic urticaria, they should go to the hospital in time to avoid delay.

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