What to do about hives on high school kids

The appearance of urticaria in high school children may be related to mental stress and environmental factors, and can be relieved by causative factor removal, topical medication, and oral medication. 1. Removal of triggers: for known clear allergens, should avoid re-exposure, can improve the patient’s symptoms. In addition, high school academic tension, children’s mental stress, late at night, anxiety and other factors can induce or aggravate urticaria, so we need to pay attention to regulating emotions, a reasonable rest and relaxation, which can alleviate the onset of urticaria to a certain extent. 2. Topical drugs: urticaria children can be used externally with glycerite lotion, can play the role of astringent itching, but also through the external use of hydrocortisone, dexamethasone and other glucocorticoid ointment, can play an anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect. 3. Oral medication: hives because and allergic factors related, can cooperate with the doctor to choose antihistamine oral treatment, such as loratadine, cetirizine and so on. If and infection related, if necessary, can choose amoxicillin, cephalosporin and other anti-infective drug treatment. It is recommended to use medication under the guidance of a doctor, not blindly self-medication, in order to avoid adverse effects.

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