What to do if you have hives and a fever

Fever in urticaria should be treated with physical cooling or medication. Urticaria patients in general will not appear fever symptoms, but if the combination of viral infection or bacterial infection, there may be fever phenomenon, this time you need to measure the body temperature. If the temperature is less than 38.5 degrees, then you can choose to use warm water on the neck, groin, armpits where blood vessels are rich, so as to achieve the effect of physical cooling. If the temperature is greater than 38.5 degrees, it is recommended to go to the hospital for examination. If the results of routine blood test show that the fever is caused by viral infection, anti-viral treatment should be carried out, such as the application of drugs such as valaciclovir and acyclovir, and if it is caused by a bacterial infection, oral antibiotics such as cosmesterin, roxithromycin, cephalosporins and so on should be taken for anti-infective treatment. The above drugs should be used under the guidance of a doctor, not self-medication.

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