What is the pain on the left side of the stomach in men?

When men have pain on the left side of the stomach, it is recommended to go to the hospital for relevant examinations to clarify the specific causes: first, ureteral stones, when there is left-sided abdominal pain accompanied by frequent urination, urinary urgency, painful urination or hematuria, it is necessary to consider whether there are ureteral stones, which may also be accompanied by fever or lumbar pain and other symptoms, it is necessary to conduct ultrasound of the urinary system and routine urine examination to clarify whether there are stones, if there are Secondly, intestinal spasm and intestinal obstruction may cause left-sided abdominal pain, which is often intermittent, and the location of the pain is not fixed, and may be accompanied by anal cessation, defecation or a feeling of urgency.

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