What’s wrong with a man’s chest that hurts in the middle?

Pain in the middle of chest in men may be related to reflux esophagitis, costochondritis, thymoma and other causes. 1. Reflux esophagitis: If the stomach contents containing stomach acid flow back into the esophagus and damage the esophageal mucosa, pain in the middle of the chest may occur. 2. Costochondritis: If you have costochondritis, it can cause pain in the middle of the chest under the effect of inflammatory factors. 3. Thymoma: If the size of thymoma is large, it can compress the trachea and cause pain in the middle of chest. It is recommended that patients with pain in the middle of the chest go to regular hospitals for consultation in a timely manner to clarify the cause of the disease and carry out standardized treatment under the guidance of doctors, so as to avoid the delay of the disease and bring adverse effects to the body.

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