What about severe left subclavian artery stenosis

In cases of severe stenosis of the left subclavian artery, local stenting or endarterectomy is required, as well as appropriate medication. 1. Local stenting: Through radial artery puncture, a stent can be delivered to the stenosis site under the guidance of magnetic resonance or X-ray examination, and then the stent will open up to eliminate the stenosis and restore local blood flow. 2. Endarterectomy: Atherosclerotic plaque may be present in the area of severe stenosis of the left subclavian artery, and endarterectomy can be considered to remove the atherosclerotic plaque and make the local stenosis disappear. 3. Medication: After local surgery, patients need to take aspirin or clopidogrel regularly to reduce blood viscosity and inhibit blood coagulation, which will help the blood flow in the narrowed area. Left subclavian artery severe stenosis manifestation, must promptly consult a doctor actively check, in the active treatment at the same time should also pay attention to low-salt and low-fat diet, if the late dizziness, fatigue and other symptoms of cerebral ischemia, need to be timely review, do not blindly use medication.

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