What to eat during pregnancy

Diet during pregnancy should be nutritionally adequate and reasonably coordinated. In early pregnancy, eat a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits that are easy to digest, as well as consume foods rich in folic acid and supplement folic acid; in the middle and late stages of pregnancy, appropriately increase the number of foods that are rich in proteins, milk, iodine and iron. In the early stage of pregnancy, keep the diet light, eat some fresh vegetables and fruits in moderation, such as spinach, dragon fruit, celery, nectarines, carrots, oranges, peaches, etc., and also eat more folic acid-rich foods to supplement folic acid, such as pomegranate, peaches, hawthorn, walnuts, etc., eat small meals, abstain from smoking and alcohol, and if the reaction of pregnancy is severe, resulting in the inability to eat normally, it is recommended that you seek medical treatment in a timely manner. In the middle and late stages of pregnancy, appropriately increase the intake of protein-rich foods such as fish, eggs and lean meat, appropriately increase the intake of milk, appropriately increase the intake of iodine, such as kelp, marine fish, dried scallops and shrimp, etc. Daily, you should consume some iron-rich foods such as animal offal or blood. During pregnancy, maintain balanced nutrition, eat small and frequent meals, abstain from smoking and alcohol, eat less stimulating food, carry out activities in moderation to maintain appropriate weight gain, such as walking, gymnastics, swimming, etc., and take regular pregnancy checkups.

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