Preparation for infertility visits

  Record your menstrual history recording age of menarche, menstrual cycle, whether you have dysmenorrhea, date of last menstruation, etc. and provide it to your doctor. Normal menstruation is an important sign of a woman’s normal endocrine and ovulation. More than 95% of people with normal menstruation ovulate normally, and normal ovulation is necessary for pregnancy, and seemingly simple things are important for the doctor to determine the cause of the disease. Having dysmenorrhea means there may be factors that cause infertility such as endo or pelvic inflammatory disease.  Ovulation monitoring methods that you can do at home before you visit the doctor include basal body temperature, ovulation test strips, cervical mucus shape, etc. A history of sexual life and contraception A normal sexual life is another necessary condition for pregnancy. Be prepared to tell your doctor about the frequency and timing of sex, and the presence or absence of contraception.  Fertility history Number of pregnancies, whether you have miscarried, whether you have had a history of cesarean section? A history of repeated abortions is a possible source of infertility …… How long has infertility lasted How long has infertility lasted without contraception is what the doctor should know, and also how long premarital sex has lasted without contraception, it is best to tell the doctor exactly.  The woman should first check if there is a problem with the male partner. It is best to ask the male partner to check the semen routine before looking for a gynecologist, so that the existence of male factors is clear at a glance and no detours are needed. Don’t think that “infertility is your own problem and the male partner doesn’t need to be checked” or that “you should check yourself first and then check the male partner”, the former is a wrong understanding and the latter is a wrong consultation process!  (1) Hormone test: It is best to come for 3-5 days of menstruation, but of course, you can come at any time if you have long term amenorrhea.  (2) Fallopian tube imaging: 3-5 days after menstruation. (3) Semen test: 5-7 days after menstruation, otherwise the accuracy of the results will be affected.

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