Fallopian tubes and infertility

I. What is tubal infertility In fact, I used to be a good boy, my predecessor was called the fallopian tube, one of the important components of the female reproductive system, with the important role of transporting sperm, ingesting eggs and transporting fertilized eggs to the uterine cavity. The anatomical relationship between the normal fallopian tubes and the uterus is like that between the human trunk and the two upper limbs. First, the fallopian tube umbrella can act like a small hand, grabbing the mature eggs discharged from the ovaries into the abdominal cavity, and then moving through the fallopian tubes (as if they were arms), transporting the eggs slowly to the connection between the abdomen and the isthmus of the fallopian tubes to await the arrival of sperm. After the sperm have made the trek to rejoin the egg and fertilize it to form a fertilized egg, I will continue to move to transport the fertilized egg to the uterine cavity where it will eventually take root, blossom, and bear fruit until it is ripe. However, I am also very fragile, I can also get diseases, manifested as fluid, inflammation, obstruction, distortion and abnormalities such as poor circulation, and even inflammation of my neighbors (ovaries, appendix, intestines, etc.) can cause me to become dysfunctional, old and useless, resulting in women’s inability to have children, thus, I have undergone a qualitative change and been put on the “infertility”. The label “infertility”. Therefore, anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory can also solve some of the mild symptoms. For those who have recurrence, it may be more important to treat and regulate me at the same time. In most cases, the presence of me will not cause you any discomfort. Some people may have vague pain in the lower abdomen, painful swelling in the lumbosacral area, aggravated during menstruation, after sexual intercourse or during exertion; increased banding on weekdays, more menstrual periods, prolonged periods, dysmenorrhea, etc. Because the symptoms are not heavy, many people ignore my existence, only when you need children urgently, you will go to check and find me. If external injurious factors come too quickly and violently (history of gynecological disease or STD exposure), you may have acute onset of lower abdominal pain, cramping, frequent and painful urination, pus and blood-like vaginal discharge, sometimes with chills and fever, and also bloating, constipation or diarrhea. If the onset is during menstruation or after miscarriage, the bleeding increases and the period is prolonged. These are the signs that I am telling you to pay attention and treat immediately. The gynecologist can also find my signs from gynecological examination, for example, abdominal palpation with lower abdominal pressure pain, double coaptation with posterior tilt of the uterus, poor mobility or heavy complete fixation, painful movement of the cervix or the official body, and the official side can they and increased rent of the sown ovary or mass with pressure pain. The tubal effusion can be accompanied by cystic masses, which can be moved without pressure pain. The danger of tubal infertility 1, infertility after marriage When the blockage occurs, or itself will be attacked by the disease, become stiff, distorted, lost the function of transporting fertilized eggs, and eventually lead to infertility, generally secondary infertility is more common. Dysmenorrhea is caused by pelvic congestion, and most of the time, abdominal pain starts one week before menstruation, and becomes more severe the closer the menstrual period is, until the onset of menstruation. 3. Abdominal discomfort There are varying degrees of pain in the lower abdomen, mostly hidden, and there is also soreness, swelling, or a feeling of falling in the lower back and sacral area, often made worse by exertion. 4. Irregular menstruation I am a neighbor to my ovaries. Generally, my disease does not affect the function of my ovaries and has no effect on the amount of menstruation. Fourth, the causes of tubal infertility In fact, I am not the only mastermind of infertility, as long as we can actively prevent and reasonably treat the disease to reduce the chances of the disease. So if you find discomfort, you should seek medical attention in time. We should know that women’s immunity is poor after abortion, after childbirth, and during menstruation, which is a great time for disease invasion. In addition, if some adjacent tissues in the human body become inflamed, it may also lead to disease. 1, the fallopian tube fluid: when the pathogens infected me, did not get timely and effective treatment will form the fallopian tube pus. After the inflammation subsides, the fluid in the lumen gradually changes from purulent to plasma. If not treated early, the infection lasts for a long time and spreads even more, eventually leading to tubal infertility. (1) Gonococcal tubitis Gonococci can infect along the mucous membrane, through the endocervical canal lining, endometrium, fallopian tube lining to the pelvic peritoneum, but there is usually no acute phase, and the symptoms are mild at the beginning of the infection, so it does not attract attention, and then leads to tubal obstruction. (2) Septic tubal infection is commonly seen in incomplete abortions, abortions and puerperal infections. The causative organisms are Staphylococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which cause all types of tubal inflammation, hydrocele and pus accumulation in the fallopian tubes. (3) Tuberculous tuberculosis is mostly a secondary infection of tuberculosis or peritoneal tuberculosis, accounting for 10% of infertility cases. The infection is mainly hematogenous, with some infection via the lymphatic system and direct spread. If secondary infection occurs, the contents of the tubes may become purulent and tuberculous perituberculosis may be formed, which may cause extensive adhesions with surrounding organs. Tubal adhesions are caused by postpartum or post-abortion infection, post-gynecological surgery infection, lack of hygiene during menstruation, spread of inflammation in neighboring organs, etc. The most common cause of tubal adhesions is caused by inflammatory infections, which are the sequelae of inflammation. If the adhesions around the fallopian tubes are mild, there is no symptom, but severe adhesions may cause long-term chronic abdominal discomfort and some lumps or strips in the gynecological examination of the adnexal area. In women, adhesions in the fallopian tubes can lead to tubal incompetence. If the tubes are completely adhered, there is no chance of natural conception and abdominal discomfort may occur during the acute phase. Due to the increasing number of uterine infections, sexually transmitted diseases, endometriosis and other disorders, various inflammatory diseases cause local tissue hyperplasia in the fallopian tubes, which leads to adhesions, and once the fallopian tubes are blocked, even if the egg is fertilized, it cannot enter the uterus and cannot conceive. 4, tubal obstruction: generally divided into primary and secondary. Primary, or congenital, is present at birth, but is very rare. Secondary obstruction is caused by congenital influence and is the main cause of the disease. Infertility caused by blocked fallopian tubes usually has no special symptoms and is mainly caused by inflammation of the fallopian tubes. In the early stages of the disease, the patient does not show obvious symptoms and is often found only after 2 to 3 years of marriage without children. In fact, the cause of the disease is not very clear, probably due to chronic infection acute adhesions related. 5, tubal malformation I was developed from the paramedian tube. In fact, I have a much smaller chance of congenital malformation than the uterus, cervix and vagina. It is seen occasionally in clinical practice. Although tubal malformations are rare, there are many types. Fallopian tube malformations can be divided into two main categories: malformations due to developmental disorders (absent or underdeveloped) and duplicated malformations (parafallopian tubes, etc.). The malformations of the fallopian tubes can only be partially explained histogenetically. Prevention and treatment methods 1. Prevention of vaginal infections I am really crisp, prevention of tubal infectious diseases, mainly in the prevention of vaginitis, endometritis, etc., especially vaginal infections, is a key “gateway” to many reproductive system diseases, pay attention to the protection of the reproductive system, pay attention to sexual hygiene, prevent sexually transmitted diseases, is an extremely important part. It is extremely important to pay attention to the protection of the reproductive system, pay attention to sexual hygiene and prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Abortion is also a major cause of tubal failure: during abortion, due to mechanical or pharmacological stimulation, the smooth muscles of the uterus contract tamely, and the contents of the uterine cavity may enter the tubal cavity retrogradely, resulting in infertility if the tubal cavity is completely blocked, or ectopic pregnancy if the tubal cavity is semi-blocked and the tubal passage is not smooth. Therefore, abortion should be done carefully before the end of childbirth. In addition, you are warned to seek effective treatment from a specialist if you are found to have inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system. Many cases of tubal incompetence are caused by inappropriate and excessive treatment in the course of infertility diagnosis and treatment. For example, repeatedly undergoing irregular tubal lavage and clearance treatment in some small clinics, etc. The main cause of tubal blockage is inflammation, including blockage of the tubal lumen caused by tubal infection and blockage of the umbilical end caused by pelvic inflammatory disease. Therefore, it is crucial to pay attention to the cleanliness and hygiene of the reproductive system and prevent infection by various pathogens (especially sexually transmitted diseases). In addition, most ectopic pregnancies are actually caused by inflammation that partially block the fallopian tubes. After ectopic pregnancy occurs, open tubectomy should be avoided and laparoscopic tubal windowing should be used as much as possible. 4. Timely diagnosis and prompt treatment There are various methods to confirm the diagnosis in time. There are various methods to confirm the diagnosis in time, such as tubal aeration test, tubal water test, hysterosalpingogram, uterine tubal ultrasonography, endoscopy (laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, tuboscopy), radionuclide hysterosalpingogram, etc. These tests can be performed in general specialized hospitals, and if necessary, open abdominal exploration can be performed. Early and clear diagnosis is beneficial to control the development of the disease. If unfortunately, your doctor tells you that your infertility is caused by me, what should you do? If only one side is obstructed or incompetent, you can monitor ovulation by ultrasound. As long as the ovary on the healthy side is ovulating, there is still a chance of conception when you have intercourse at this time. What should I do if both sides are blocked? If the blockage is distal (umbilical end), tubal stoma + umbilical end molding can be done. If the blockage is proximal (near the uterus) or multi-segmental, then laparoscopic surgery can only serve the purpose of diagnosis and interventional treatment is needed for unblocking. It is important to remind you that any surgery for unblocking can only solve the anatomical obstruction of the fallopian tubes, the functional problems of the tubes (egg collection and peristalsis) cannot be solved by surgery and there is still a risk of ectopic pregnancy. If you have been infertile for a long time, or have a history of multiple ectopic pregnancies in the past, or if your ovarian function is already going downhill, you may choose to undergo IVF directly. Seven, and finally some tips: 1, balanced diet: eat more easily digestible, coarse fiber foods, such as like nutrient-rich grains, fresh vegetables and seasonal fruits, and also eat more chicken, beef, lean meat, fish and protein diet such as beans and milk. 2, strengthen exercise: refuse to do weak not to win clothes Lin sister, exercise itself is an important way to prevent disease, eliminate fatigue and obtain a long and healthy life. 3, optimism: find the right way to relieve stress, participate in more recreational activities, to maintain an optimistic and positive attitude in order to live a long and healthy life, optimism is not only beneficial to themselves, but also can infect others positive. I sincerely hope that all women will have a healthy body and stay away from tubal disease, and I wish you good luck in your pregnancy.

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