What’s wrong with a thick and white tongue?

The possible causes of thick white tongue are as follows: 1, poor oral hygiene, teeth in the mouth and tongue food debris and bacteria on the surface of the tongue, resulting in a white thick yellow tongue, to brush your teeth carefully, while brushing your teeth you can use a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently brush the surface of the tongue to remove food debris and bacteria on the tongue. 2, eat greasy, sticky, thick, indigestible food leading to indigestion, long-term food accumulation caused by a thick and white tongue. Many young people, especially men, like to eat late-night snacks, fried and barbecued food, these foods will lead to indigestion, accumulation of food and cause a thick white tongue, while a series of symptoms such as bad breath, fire, etc. In this case, we should drink more water, diet to light, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, you can take the appropriate stomach tablets and other drugs.

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