Can I take progesterone capsules after my period?

Progesterone capsules should not be taken during menstruation. Progesterone capsules are progesterone drugs that can affect menstruation, such as prolonged periods and increased menstrual flow. Some people may experience side effects after taking progesterone, such as fever, headache, insomnia, chloasma, nausea, vaginal bleeding, etc., which will slowly return to normal after stopping the medication. When menstrual abnormalities can be regulated by diet, less cold, stimulating food, such as cucumber, kelp, watermelon, crab, etc., otherwise it will cause poor flow of menstrual blood causing dysmenorrhea. At the same time, you can do appropriate soothing exercises, which can promote blood circulation, improve back pain and depression, and maintain a good state of mind during menstruation to avoid tension and anxiety.

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