What to do in case of gas poisoning

Gas poisoning is carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas that is not easily detectable. The binding ability of hemoglobin in blood with carbon monoxide is more than 200 times stronger than that with oxygen, while the separation speed of hemoglobin and carbon monoxide is slow. Therefore, once a person inhales more carbon monoxide, oxygen loses the opportunity to bind with hemoglobin, so that tissue cells cannot get enough oxygen from the blood. Tissue cells without oxygen produce much less energy, resulting in general weakness and breathing difficulties. When gas poisoning, the patient initially feels headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, weakness, and when he realizes that he is poisoned, he often struggles to get out of bed and open the door and window, but generally only a few people can open the door and window, and most of the patients quickly develop spasms, coma, and cherry red skin on both cheeks, forehead and lips, and if the treatment is not timely, he can soon die of respiratory depression. Gas poisoning must be quickly first-aided. Self-rescue A person who is still conscious but weak at the beginning of gas poisoning can take advantage of this short gap to take self-rescue measures. At this time, you should not turn on the electric light (when the concentration of carbon monoxide in the room reaches a certain amount, turning on the light can cause an explosion), but you can call for help. The most sensible choice is to call 120 from a landline. In Shanghai, 120 calls through, even if you immediately unconscious can not speak, 120 can also know your address; but do not use cell phones to call, such as cell phones through 120 immediately after the unconscious can not speak, 120 can not know your address. 120 received such calls will be sent to the car. Once on the scene, 120 personnel will notify 110 to break down the door and they will then enter the room for first aid. If the patient realizes that it is not enough to get out of bed and open the door or window when he/she is poisoned, the chances of success are low, so it is better to make more distress calls (such as calling 120 and then calling friends and relatives living in the same neighborhood) to try to save him/her. There are several cases of gas poisoning in Shanghai where the patient was unconscious and could not tell the address after calling 120, and 120 quickly sent a car to rescue him according to the address shown on the computer. Other rescue 1.Open the windows and doors immediately, move the patient to a well-ventilated place with fresh air, and pay attention to keeping warm. 2.Loosen the buttons of the clothes, keep the airway open, remove the secretions from the mouth and nose; if cardiac arrest is found, perform mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration and cardiac external massage immediately. 3. Immediately carry out acupuncture treatment, taking points such as sun, lingzhi, renzhong, shaoshang, shixuan, hegu, yongquan and foot sanli. Those who are mildly or moderately poisoned can be gradually awakened after acupuncture. 4.Give oxygen immediately. 5.All gas poisoning patients should be sent to hospital for observation and treatment; those with moderate or severe gas poisoning should be immediately transferred to a hospital with hyperbaric oxygen chamber treatment.

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