Does Si Jun Zi Tang cure constipation?

Generally speaking, Si Jun Zi Tang cannot cure constipation. 1. Four Gentlemen Soup consists of ginseng, atractylodes, poria and licorice, which has the effect of benefiting qi and strengthening the spleen (regulating the qi of the spleen and stomach), and is used for the treatment of deficiency of spleen and stomach qi, poor gastric intake, and loose stools with scanty food (thinning of fecal matter without formation), and cannot be used for constipation in general. 2. Solid-heat constipation, manifested by dry stools, abdominal distension, abdominal pain, dry mouth and bad breath, can be used in Ma Zi Ren Wan; Qi stagnation constipation, manifested by dry stools, bowel sounds and gas, abdominal distension and hiccups, can be used in Liumo Tang; qi deficiency constipation, manifested by sweating during defecation, shortness of breath, fatigue and drowsiness, can be used in Astragalus Soup. Before using the above medicines, you should first clarify your own physical state, and it is recommended to use them under the guidance of a doctor after identification by traditional Chinese medicine, do not blindly take them on your own.

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