What are the signs of insufficient blood supply to the brain?

The signs of cerebral blood supply insufficiency are a series of symptoms such as dizziness, headache, insomnia, forgetfulness, memory loss and so on when cerebral blood supply insufficiency occurs. Acute cerebral blood supply insufficiency patients may appear one side of the limbs weakness, paraplegia, one side of the face and perioral numbness, aphasia, impaired consciousness, convulsions; or manifested as vertigo, loss of vision, blurred vision and so on. Patients with chronic cerebral insufficiency of blood supply may have dizziness, headache, tinnitus, insomnia, forgetfulness, nausea, vomiting, irritability, irritability, inattentiveness and other symptoms. If patients suddenly experience any of the above conditions, they should go to the emergency department or call the emergency number in a timely manner, and avoid self-medication to avoid adverse consequences.

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