Does a mammogram over 1cm define 4A?

A breast ultrasound lesion larger than 1 cm in size is not necessarily defined as a BI-RADS category 4A. BI-RADS classification is based on whether the aspect ratio is greater than 1cm, whether the margins are smooth, whether the morphology is regular, whether there is a hyperechoic malignant ring, whether there is attenuation of the posterior echogenicity, whether there is gravelly calcification, and whether the blood flow grading reaches grade III, which are the suspected malignant features. It can be seen that size is not a malignant feature, so larger than 1 cm is not directly defined as BI-RADS 4A. BI-RADS category 4A requires compliance with one malignant feature, and the malignancy rate of the lesion is about 3-10%. Patients in this category often require pathologic examination. If the pathology results are benign, follow-up every six months as prescribed by the physician is sufficient. If malignant, early surgical treatment is required. For patients with BI-RADS 4A, it is recommended that they seek prompt medical attention to clarify the nature of the lesion and choose the appropriate treatment plan.

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